Nine koi fish swim actively upstream, symbolizing our daily struggles and relentless efforts, inspiring determination and fighting spirit. The word "fish" (鱼) sounds like "surplus" (余), symbolizing abundance, while "koi" (鲤) sounds like "profit" (利), representing business gains. This painting enhances fortune and attracts wealth, with the black koi warding off evil and neutralizing negative energy in Feng Shui.
九条鱼积极上游,像极了我们每天不断的拼搏。通过这 份努力的呈现,激励了我们向上的决心和斗志。“鱼”的 发音与“余”是同音,代表年年有余。“鲤”的发音与“利” 相同,所以鲤鱼也用来象征生意中收益和盈利。此画可 以旺运和生财。其中还有特别一条黑锦鲤,在风水中有 着驱邪化煞的作用。
Mixed Media on Canvas, framed
84 x 84 cm
Swimming towards Prosperity 年年有余