"Pulse of the City" captures the dynamic blend of modernity and tradition in Phnom Penh. The towering skyscraper stands in harmony with the bustling shophouses and vibrant street life below, illustrating how the fusion of contemporary and traditional elements brings a unique rhythm and energy to the city.
《城市的脉搏》捕捉了金边现代与传统的动态 结合。高耸的摩天大楼与繁忙的街边商铺和 充满活力的街头生活和谐 共存,展示了现代 和传统元素的融合,为这座城市带来独 特的 节奏和活力。
Watercolor on Paper, Framed
88 x 52 cm
Pulse of the city 城市的脉搏