The rice seedlings in the field resemble a natural emerald. The lush green rice paddies exude vibrant vitality under the summer sun. This is the busy season for farmers, donning straw hats and wielding farming tools, toiling diligently under the blazing sun, breathing new life into the rice paddies. The paddies are not only a source of food but also symbolize a cradle of life. As they sow, so shall they reap.
秧苗在田野中宛如一片天然的翡翠。翠绿的稻田在 夏日阳光下焕发出勃勃生机。 这是农民们忙碌的季 节,他们头戴草帽,手持农具,在烈日下辛勤劳作, 为这片稻田赋予了新的生命。稻田不仅仅是一片粮 食的来源,更是一个生命的摇篮。
Oil on Canvas
200 x 100 cm
Emerald Harvest 翠绿的收成